
Happy New Year !

I hope everyone got over the Christmas OK and I truly hope 2018 is great year for you filled with health & love.

I feel I should start this year with a disclaimer of sorts. I’ve decided to change the direction of my blog. Last year, when I started my blog, I wasn’t in the best of head spaces & was buying emotionally. The blog was my excuse for this buying. As the year traveled on I bought more & more. By September I realised things had got out of control both with running out of space & financially.

I had been watching Youtube videos and there were a few that were highlighting how old your makeup stash was. I started going through my extensive makeup collection & realised that some of my more expensive makeup was now expired & gone bad & had to be thrown out. This was a huge wake up call for me. I started focusing more on Project Pan Youtubers & joined a few facebook groups that focus on panning.

I’ve since unsubscribed from a lot of influencers that solely focus on Hauls etc. This has helped. I’ve also realised that a lot of the products I bought off the back of youtube I didn’t really like or they just didn’t suit me. I’ve filled my feed with project panners and people who are focused on using their stash & really dissecting new releases to see if they are actually worth buying or if they already have something in their current stash that could dupe it.

My goal this year is to further thin out my stash. I am on a strict Low Buy and anything I do purchase will either be for something I have run out of or something pretty exceptional that is new & innovative.

My empties post will be quite detailed as I will truly know how I feel about a product as I have used it up completely. As will my declutter posts as I am making myself use a product for at least a month before I get rid of it & I will be certain of my decision.

Wow that was long winded. The long and the short of it is, I understand if project pans, empties & declutter posts are not your jam and you want to unsubscribe. I’ll be sad but I’ll get it. I hope you’ll stick with me though 🙂



11 thoughts on “Happy New Year !

  1. Very honest post! I realised recently as well that less is actually more in terms of beauty items and clothing. It can be easy to get sucked into all the haul videos! Good luck with your new direction 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this new direction for your blog and self growth, i’m definitely with it. That is the similar topic I’m focusing about on my hair care blogposts, how people can purchase what they really need and sacrifice rave over necessity. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

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